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Let It Go!

Debra McInvale

Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders – he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out.

Psalm 55:22 – MSG

Our son moved two states away from us recently. He has a new home and a new art studio. He and his fiancée are planning a wedding and a life adventure together. Morton and I? Life isn’t the same for us – it’s kinda empty without him. We’ve had to let go.

I remember the first time I “let go” of James, that I allowed him out of my touch. He was a baby and Momma was staying with us to help me and enjoy her grandson. I loved my momma dearly and trusted her implicitly. However, when she asked if she could take my one and only son to visit her cousin Joyce – in the car – 40 minutes away – my heart stuck firmly in my throat. No! But - yes. I did turn him loose that day, and off they went. Momma had a joyful day with her sweet baby, showing him off to her cousin. I, on the other hand, was a basket case. I spent most of the day holding my breath and praying for their safety. Totally out of control.

Good grief, I was never in control in the first place!

Have we ever been in control of anything? We prefer to think so … but … We might control our schedules – on a good day with no interference from family, co-workers or friends. We try to control our health. (How has that worked out for you?) Circumstances? Finances? Spouse? Kids? Politics? (Don’t go there.) Church? (Nope. I’ve never been in control in church either.)

Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions.

You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

Luke 12:31 – MSG

In order to maintain my sanity, I have had to let go. Let go of the people I love. Let go of circumstances. Simply let go of everything and give everything to God. I am not in control and never will be.

It’s not easy to open my hands and give everything that matters over to God. Sometimes I open my hands, offer my concerns to God, and then snatch them right back again. Somedays I must give them to God again and again. And pray a lot!

Yet God alone is in control of all things. Not me. Those are the facts. We may never fathom His decisions. We will never agree with His timing. And, I guarantee, He will rarely, if ever, explain Himself to us.

Our place is to trust Him. Open our hands and let go. Give our everythings to Him. Then rest in His peace and in the security of His love. It is such an awesome relief when we do!

Hugs and blessings,


Dear Jesus, I trust You. I really do. However, it is so difficult for me to let go of those I love, to let go of the semblance of control that I imagine I have. Help me to trust You more. To open my hands and let go of all that burdens me. Thank you, Jesus, for handling it all. Amen.

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Sep 21, 2021

I hope James is settling in nicely and that he will find happiness in his new home. I pray God will give you and Morton peace about your new empty-nest life and give you joy. Each new season of life is a new reason to trust God for the outcome.

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