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Debra McInvale

One Step at a Time

[This post is #9 in the series on Heritage. During the month of June, I am celebrating godly fathers. I recognize, however, that all people do not have this blessing. For those who have been injured by a father, know that it is not your fault and that it breaks God’s heart as it has broken yours.]

"Going Camping" - pen, ink and acrylic ink - illustration by James McInvale. (

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4

When I was a kid, my family loved to go camping. Most often we would head up to the Northeast Georgia mountains and camp beside beautiful, flowing, freezing streams. To this day I can imagine that rushing water -- and it makes me need to go to the bathroom.

Then, lying in the tent, listening to the water rushing over the rocks, it did the same thing. The problem was, I was afraid to go to the outhouse by myself. The woods were dark! So, every night, my dad would take a lantern in one hand and my small hand in his other and lead me to the outhouse. The lantern would light only one step at a time in that huge void of pitch blackness, but with my hand in my daddy’s hand I was safe and always on the right path.

The easiest path to be on is well lit and straight and smooth, right? But in real life, the best path is not always clear. Sometimes there are twists and turns: the rocky ground of hardship, the steep cliffs of circumstance, the dark woods of life.

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:105 NLT

Christ knows the best path for us to travel through life. He has proved it to me time and again. I want to go one direction and start out my way - wrong! When I finally give up and ask Him for directions, He pushes me in another – right! Why oh why didn’t I ask Him for directions in the first place? Why didn’t I trust Him to begin with?

Unfortunately – or maybe fortunately, I’m not quite sure which – Christ tends to only show us one step at a time, just like my daddy’s lantern in the darkness. Christ rarely shines His light on our life path from the beginning to the end. Some days I really wish He would; I wish He would give me a clear and entire blueprint for my life. It seems like that would make things much easier for me in the long run.

Quick graphite sketch on textured, wooden, wall panel, by Walter Hibble.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Trust. Trust God. Those are the key words.

The Lord longs for us to trust Him with our everythings – body, soul, mind, strength, stuff, future. When we completely trust Him and do our best to obey and follow Him, He does show us the best way through life. Now, it might not always seem to us the safest path, the smoothest path or the easiest path. But He promises He will guide us on the best paths for us. And He will walk every step of the way with us.

He guides me along the right paths, bringing honor to his name.

Psalm 23:3b NLT

God always knows best. One step at a time. Just remember to hold His hand!



Dear Lord, I need your help! Please show me the path You have chosen for me through this life. Help me to trust You no matter what I encounter. You know best. Amen.



What have you inherited that is most valuable to you?

What legacy are you building now by the way you are living your days?

Who are you mentoring by default?

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4 Kommentare

Jane Bowen
Jane Bowen
17. Juni 2021

Love this Debra. I too was blessed with a wonderful, loving earthly father. He just died too soon.

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15. Juni 2021

And, another thing: Did I know your father was an artist, too? Don't remember that.

There's no way you would not be fabulously gifted in the arts.

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15. Juni 2021

Your words were perfect to begin my morning devotion time. Always good to be reminded to tune in to God to find the path He chooses for my life.

I always enjoy when you toss in some bits of humor that bring a smile or a chuckle. The fun painting (by James, I think) of the camping vehicle struck a cord with me, as I thought back to our camping trips as I was growing up. So much stuff had to be taken for a camping trip. We had a station wagon that was tightly packed.

I look forward to your Tuesday offerings. They are a bright spot in my day. Thank you.

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Debra McInvale
Debra McInvale
15. Juni 2021
Antwort an

I am delighted to bring you a bright spot! Yes, the truck with camping gear is one of James' imaginative illustrations. He has a wild mind! He has given me permission to use his artwork too as long as I give him credit. Daddy was creative - his mom was an artist. I found a few sketches he did as a young man and, after he retired, he played with oil painting a little bit. His main thing, however, was refinishing furniture as a stress reliever after work - until he started having major breathing issues.


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